Historians confirm that Jesus’ birth really did happen – the Bible story is not a fairy-tale. That means that we must take it seriously.

Though it took place in a remote backwater, it has had the most profound effect on history. When Mary and Joseph took their six-week-old baby to the temple to be ‘redeemed’ (reference to the saving of the firstborn son when God delivered the Israelites from Egypt), Simeon knew that the Messiah he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

In his song, he describes him as “The Glory of Israel” – the fulfilment of all the hopes and dreams of the Jewish people. However, he is also “a Light of Revelation for the Gentiles” – not just a Jewish Messiah but also the Saviour of the World.

Simeon went on to warn Mary that he would be the one who would divide humanity – the hearts of many will be revealed. You either accept him of reject him. It is impossible to sit on the fence. Simeon knew that he could die in peace for he had met his Saviour. Can we say the same?

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