Quentin Tanton


Forgive and Keep Forgiving

Church Discipline Done Properly

The Parable of the Wandering Sheep

Humility - The Essential Christian Characteristic

The Importance of Faith

This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him

Matthew 16v21-27

Believe In Me

The Demand for a Sign

The Door of the Gospel Flung Wide Open

Mega Faith

God's Word Is More Important Then Our Traditions

The Command Not to Worry

Living Stones

24th April (Romans 12)

True and Proper Worship- a Living Sacrifice

Adopted by God!

The All-Suffiency of Scripture

Worshipping the Son of God

Compassionate Jesus

The Folly of Fearing others, not God

A prophet without honour

Parable of the net Matthew 13v47-50

Hidden treasure and a precious pearl

The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast

The Parable of the Weeds Matt13v24-30,36-43

The Parable of the Sower

Why did Jesus use Parables? (Matt13:1-17)

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The Letter to the Hebrews

Speakers: Andrew Taylor , Colin Howells , Gerald Heddell , James Hammond , James Taylor , John McDonald , Johnny Gooch , Leslie Jarvis , Quentin Tanton

Bible Study

Speakers: Andrew Taylor , Bill Foote , John Tanton , Quentin Tanton

The Book of Psalms

Speakers: Adam Goddard , Andrew Taylor , David Hircock , Johnny Gooch , Jonny Sutton , Ken Slater , Marcus Appleton , Michael Toogood , Peter Mawson , Quentin Tanton , Selwyn Morgan , Terry Boyle

The Letter to the Galatians

Speakers: Nigel Sharp , Paul Davis , Quentin Tanton

The 2nd Letter to the Corinthians

Speakers: Adam Goddard , Colin Howells , John Cheeseman , Nigel Hoad , Quentin Tanton , Terry Boyle

The Book of Haggai

Speakers: Quentin Tanton

The Book of Romans

Speakers: Colin Howells , Quentin Tanton , Terry Boyle

The 1st letter of Peter

Speakers: Malcolm Hoad , Quentin Tanton , Roger Tanton , Terry Boyle

The 1st Letter of John

Speakers: Johnny Gooch , Quentin Tanton
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